Monday, August 18, 2008

BEWARE! Hacker Alert!

Oh, yep, there's a Hacker claiming to know a new version of the "loophole" which fakeshake3 knew only too well. Anywhoo, just be on your guard, because she claims to have access to a special computer program that allows you to have duplicates of any Stardoll item.

Anyway, she then claims you have to have a Superstar account first in order for it to work, and then, oh, this is it, she asks for your password. Oh... like she's not just going to steal your brand new superstar account! Wow, I just feel sorry for the poor people that actually believe her :(

And here's the icing/cherry/sprinkles/syrup on the top of this delicious sundae:
Wow! "Access to another Program that allows you to purchase items in the Stardoll store that are not yet released to the public." First of all... er- NO WAY! And secodnly, sicne when was Stardoll some huge database conspiracy act hiding special items that are not yet "released to the public?"
You have been warned!

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