Monday, August 18, 2008

Isabella.Arci is a noob!

Further proof from her self- glorifying article on Perez's blog. Jeez, I thought Perez spposed to be against the Elites, so why must Isabella post her stupid incessant ramblings about her own success?

Well, I couldn't contain my anger any longer and has to comment back, like any sane, just person would do. I was about to say that I couldn't believe that Isabella was beign rewarded by Stardoll, but wait, actually I do believe it. Stardoll knows how much Isabella has spent on her suite and MeDoll (and we're talking hundreds here) and they've rewarded her for spending so much but giving her... wait for it: even more money! Wow, talk about a slap in the face! As if the princess doens't have enough money already, let's give her more!

Yeah, as you can I said what I felt. Oh, and before anyone comments back saying "Oh you're just jealous," there's no need, because yes, I am hella jealous. And don't see why she deserves it.


Isabella.Arci said...
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Isabella.Arci said...
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Isabella.Arci said...

I'm sorry if my article sounded boastful. It wasn't my intention.

When I saw the letter, I was just filled with girlish glee. Who wouldn't?

And since a lot girls have been asking me tons of questions about what was written in the letter, like: How much do you get? What are the prizes? etc etc. I thought it would be best that I share the content to everyone who was interested.

I hope you understand my side. It was good news, which really doesn't happen quite often. And I'm certain that my friends will be happy for me as much as I am for them if the same thing happened.
